You can also order over the phone (1-888-313-4699) or the Web (
If you would like to purchase a multi-user licensed version of a product to place on a network at your company or school, please contact us for details about substantial discounts.
Type the necessary information after the colons.
Name & Address
Name. . . . . . :
Mailing Address :
Country . . . . :
Email Address . :
Products (write the quantity of each)
Bumbler Bee-Luxe ($24.95). . . . . :
Halcyon Days, Mac version ($20). . :
Halcyon Days, PC version ($20) . . :
TOTAL PAYMENT AMOUNT . . . . . . . :
Payment Info
Payment method (check, money order,
Mastercard, Visa) . . . . . . . :
Credit Card Number . . . . . . . . :
Expiration Date. . . . . . . . . . :
Signature _____________________________________
How did you hear about the products you are ordering?
If you pay by credit card, remember to sign the “Signature” line.
If you pay by check or money order, make it payable to “Dadgum Games.”
Checks and money orders must be drawn on a U.S. bank.